
New stuff that's old stuff!


When I moved from Itchyfeet and started this blog I wanted it to be all about images. But I miss writing...So I figured out how to use the "read more" feature that I've seen (and envied) on other blogs.

I think the pics I post on this blog are all so pretty, and a lot of boring, boring text might make the pics look boring too, and I don't want that!

But, like I said, I missed the writing, and it is my blog, after all, so here we go. I guess, in a way, this is mostly for "my girls" (so maybe it should be done in Swedish? Maybe it will be? Not sure bout that one yet) but of course, anyone interested in my rants are more than welcome to read it.

Now that I'm writing I'm loving it and I could go on for ever bu, no such luck, kids need to be picked up from school, so off I go. But I'll be back alter, don't you worry about that ;)

Love you lots!

xoxo Sofi

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