
Independent traveller







(pics; ?, ?, ?, Italian Vogue, ?, The Cherry Blossom Girl, ?)*

After spending the afternoon walking around the TNT travel expo and listening to Chris Borland and Peter Moore, all want to do is book my round the world ticket and be off (tomorrow preferably!) But, I have one more year in Europe (which isn't bad, to be honest) before I can hit the road, but this just made me soo excited!

*(ps. I got a comment on an earlier post that I should write out the source to the pics, and I totally agree. The problem is, I've acquired the pics after years of reading blogs, googling and so on, so to be honest, most of the time I've no idea where they came from. I will however try to get better when saving things in the future and really make an effort!)


Sofi said...

I kind of find it funny that I name the post "independent traveller", my intetention is to actually go and travel alone, and yet, on three of the pics in this post there are two people, is my unconcious mind trying to tell my that I should really get someone to go with me on this trip?!?! x yours truly

Anonymous said...

those are all amazing pictures, check out my blog if you have the chance http://girlonfire28.blogspot.com/

stilettolover91 said...

Beautiful photos!!


Liv said...

I'm really liking your blog at the moment so I've put you on my blog list :) ha